

a person within a group or organization, especially someone privy to information unavailable to others.



NSYDRS serves as the key unlocking knowledge, bridging the gap between where you currently stand and where you aspire to be.




NSYDRS is an invite-only, private mentorship with Dr. Nev.

Mentorships, via live video calls, are most often focused on elevating your future circumstances in any/all of these typical lifestyle areas.

You decide which area you want to elevate. These are:

    • FIRE” (Financially Independent Retire Early)
    • Additional income streams (laptop lifestyle)
    • Personal Growth/Confidence or Relationship help (intimate partner)

3-mentorship levels (referred to as, “Clavis/Clavii” = Keys) are offered based on the amount of direct access you will require to achieve your desired goals.

Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Session with Dr. Nev to see if NSYDRS is available for you.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

NSYDRS, and Dr. Nev individually, are not responsible for your actions or your results. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due-diligence. You agree that Dr. Nev is not liable to you in any way for your results. 

Dr. Nev, may receive compensation for products and services recommended to you during your mentoring. Dr. Nev personally uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want Dr. Nev to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link. 

Do you have questions about Dr. Nev’s mentoring and NSYDRS? Are you wondering if the course will work for you? Email Dr. Nev’s assistant, Emily Roberts at We will be happy to discuss your goals and how this program may help you.